- stay period
- время пребывания
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
stay — 1 vt stayed, stay·ing: to temporarily suspend or prevent by judicial or executive order may not grant an injunction to stay proceedings in a state court U.S. Code stay 2 n: a temporary suspension or injunction of an action or process by a usu.… … Law dictionary
Stay on These Roads — Studio album by A ha Released 3 May 1988 … Wikipedia
stay — Ⅰ. stay [1] ► VERB 1) remain in the same place. 2) remain in a specified state or position. 3) live somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest. 4) Scottish & S. African live permanently. 5) stop, delay, or prevent. 6) … English terms dictionary
stay — stay1 [stā] n. [ME staie < OE stæg, akin to Du stag < IE * stāk , to stand, place < base * sta : see STAND] a heavy rope or cable, usually of wire, used as a brace or support, as for a mast of a ship; guy vt. to brace or support with a… … English World dictionary
stay of execution — index reprieve, respite (reprieve) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 stay of execution … Law dictionary
stay in — To remain at home • • • Main Entry: ↑stay * * * ˌstay ˈin [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they stay in he/she/it stays in … Useful english dictionary
stay — stay1 [ steı ] verb intransitive *** 1. ) to remain in a particular place: Stay right here, please. stay late: I have to stay late at work every Thursday. stay away/back: Stay back! Don t come any closer! stay at home: He wanted her to stay at… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stay — 1. stay, verb To stop, arrest, or forbear. To stay an order or decree means to hold it in abeyance, or refrain from enforcing it 2. stay, noun A stopping; the act of arresting a judicial proceeding by the order of a court. Also that which holds,… … Black's law dictionary
stay — I UK [steɪ] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms stay : present tense I/you/we/they stay he/she/it stays present participle staying past tense stayed past participle stayed *** 1) to remain in a particular place Stay right here, please. stay at… … English dictionary
Stay behind — Gladio (ital. vom lateinischen gladius für Schwert) oder auch Stay Behind Organisation war der Name einer paramilitärischen Geheimorganisation von NATO, CIA und des britischen MI6 während des Kalten Krieges. Die Gladio Mitglieder sollten nach… … Deutsch Wikipedia
stay*/*/*/ — [steɪ] verb I 1) to remain in a particular place Stay right here, please.[/ex] I have to stay late at work every Thursday.[/ex] He wanted her to stay at home and look after the children.[/ex] 2) to remain in a particular situation or state… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English